Benelli M4 922r

922(r) laws for the Benelli M4/M1014

922(r) is a federal law that involves foreign-made rifles and shotguns. It only applies when you're increasing magazine capacity to over 5 rounds and/or adding a stock that collapses (or if you have a "collapsible stock", installing a recoil tube that has multiple positions).

Since Benelli makes their shotguns in Italy, they are required to follow 922r compliance if they want to sell their shotguns to American civilians lawfully. To stay compliant, they import their Benelli M4s with magazine capacities of 5 rounds and come with either a fixed-length stock or a collapsible stock with a non-collapsible recoil tube.

922(r) laws are the reason why Benelli imports their civilian model Benelli M4s in the "neutered" configuration (fixed stock, and low capacity).

If you want to increase magazine capacity to over 5 rounds, and/or have a stock that collapses down to shorter lengths of pull, we recommend you consider following 922(r) rules to keep your shotgun compliant and legal.


How to make your Benelli M4 922(r) compliant:

You will want to swap out Italian-made parts for American-made parts, but not just any random parts. The ATF has a list of 20 specific parts to swap from Italian to American-made parts.

To make your Benelli M4 922(r) compliant, you can have no more than 10 of the ATF's 20 specific parts (list below) installed if you want a magazine capacity larger than 5 rounds, and/or a stock that collapses.

When you buy a Benelli M4 in factory configuration (non-law enforcement or military models), it comes with 13 of the 20 specific parts if you purchased a one-piece, fixed-length stock (polymer pistol grip or polymer field versions). If you bought a model with a collapsible stock, it comes with 14 of the 20 specific parts. 

Meaning you only need to swap either 3 or 4 specific parts (depending on your version) with American-made parts. The reason why the collapsible stock requires 4 parts instead of 3 is because the collapsible stock is two pieces (a pistol grip, and a stock), and each piece counts as a specific Italian-made part on the ATF's list.


Benelli 922r summary:

To increase magazine capacity or add a stock that collapses, swap either 3 or 4 (3 if you have a polymer stock, 4 if you have a collapsible stock) specific Italian-made parts with American-made parts from the list below.

Here is the list of the 20 specific parts on the ATF list:

  1. Frames, receivers, receiver castings, forgings, or stampings
  2. Barrels
  3. Barrel extensions
  4. Mounting blocks (trunnions)
  5. Muzzle attachments
  6. Bolts
  7. Bolt carriers
  8. Operating rods
  9. Gas pistons
  10. Trigger housings
  11. Triggers
  12. Hammers
  13. Sears
  14. Disconnectors
  15. Buttstocks
  16. Pistol grips
  17. Forearms, handguards
  18. Magazine bodies
  20. Floorplates

Here is the list of 13 of the 20 specific parts that the Benelli M4 has from the previous list (swap 3 to 4 out with American-made parts):

  1. Receiver
  2. Barrel
  3. Bolt
  4. Bolt carrier
  5. Gas pistons
  6. Trigger housing
  7. Trigger
  8. Hammer
  9. Disconnector
  10. Buttstock
  11. Forearm or Handguard
  12. Magazine body (Magazine Tube)
  13. Follower
  14. **Pistol Grip - adds and extra part (14 instead of 13) when using the Collapsible Stock, because the pistol grip and buttstock are two separate parts.
This is our understanding of 922(r) for the Benelli M4. We are not lawyers, and this is not legal advice. You should do your own due diligence on federal and local laws before altering your shotgun. Contact the ATF for your own specific shotgun build and save their response in case of prosecution.
If you have any specific questions about 922(r) compliance, please email us at, and we will be glad to answer. You can and should directly contact the ATF through their website to get 100% correct and up-to-date information.